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StarCluster 4 - Sabre & World
StarCluster 4 - Sabre & World
Written by clash bowley, Klaxon Bowley
81 pages
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StarCluster 4 - Sword & Planet is a role-playing game
based on the classic Sword and Planet sub-genre of
Science Fiction novels. These started over a hundred years
ago with Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars series,
which had a recent movie released based on it.

In these books, people from Earth are somehow transported
to a different world, where there are other people who look
very much like us with minor differences. These books are
full of adventure and discovery, and are great fun to read.

Sabre & World helps you create your own Sword and Planet
world to adventure in, where you and your gaming group
play characters from Earth or natives to this world, human
or not so human! Enjoy!
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