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Story Engine Plus EditionZoom
Story Engine Plus Edition

Published by Precis Intermedia
Written by Christian Aldridge, Brett M. Bernstein
ISBN 9780983256045 [?]
148 pages
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Storytelling is one of the oldest living traditions, continuing today as theatre, literature, television and film. Roleplaying games evolved their own version of storytelling by piecing together a tale based on the outcome of dice rolls and player choices. Story Engine breathes new life into this multi-authored game format, infusing it with the fluidity of oral tradition while liberating it from the confines of turn-based mechanics. Create characters using adjectives and phrases. Like novels, the different elements of a character all contribute to the story—even flaws and foibles. Collaborate to tell a story of the characters. Pool resources to work as a group to solve conflicts. Narrate the outcome of scenes based on success.

This updated edition of the original ground-breaking Story Engine roleplaying game features:
  • Complete rules, plus introductory Story Bones™ rules
  • Optional rules for customizing the system
  • Extensive advice on running games
  • Three plug-ins for running different genres: Six Guns & Whiskey™ (Wild West), In the 'Zone™ (Sci-Fi), and Of Legend™ (Fantasy)
  • Plug-in for use with the Maelstrom Storytelling™ world
  • Two adventures

"...a great job of polishing and editing the original."

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