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Blood Moon Rising
Blood Moon Rising
Published by Small Niche Games
32 pages
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Garanton is a village like any other, except for five days out of the year when it hosts the Feast of St. Garan. During this time, fighters from abroad come to join in the revelry, mingle with other adventurers, and win fame and fortune fighting in the daily games. But all is not well in Garanton this year. Cruel orcs prowl the forest, dark wizards cast webs of treachery and deceit, and bat-winged demons fill the moonlit sky. Does your party have what it takes to ward off this evil before it consumes the entire town?

Blood Moon Rising is a Labyrinth Lord™ adventure that is easily converted to other editions of the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game. Designed for 3-6 characters of 1st through 3rd level, the adventure is set in and around the village of Garanton and involves a mixture of wilderness, dungeon, and urban encounters. Use your archetypical frontier village for more than just a rest stop between forays into the wild. Come enjoy the Feast of St. Garan today!

© Labyrinth Lord ™ is copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Labyrinth Lord ™ and Advanced Labyrinth Lord ™ are trademarks of Daniel Proctor. These trademarks are used under the Labyrinth Lord ™ Trademark License 1.1 available at www.goblinoidgames.com.

© Blood Moon Rising is copyright 2010, Peter C. Spahn. All Rights Reserved
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