This ready-to-run Quick Play Adventures World War II scenario is a fast-action romp across Nazi-occupied France during the Allied invasion of Normandy. Drop behind enemy lines as a member of an elite commando unit codenamed Jedburgh and join up with the French Resistance to blow a key bridge, expose a traitor, dodge the Gestapo, rescue a fellow soldier, take out German 88mm gun emplacements, and liberate a village from the Nazis. Operation Jedburgh contains a fact-filled write-up of the real Jedburgh program, a detailed scenario, original artwork, 12 battle maps, select WWII weapons and vehicles statted for the d20 System, and ten pre-generated characters including members of Jedburgh team Levee, paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division, a downed RAF fighter pilot, various members of the French Resistance, and even a Gestapo agent in disguise.
Operation Jedburgh is perfect for use as a one-shot or for tournament play. It is designed specifically for those who get the urge to run a World War II scenario after watching Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, or Combat!, but have no time to do research, design adventures, draw maps, and sit through lengthy character generation processes for a game that will only be played once or twice. Operation Jedburgh does all the prep work for you. All you need is the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game to play.
Quick Play Adventures are created with the following concepts in mind:
1. No New Rules: No new rules, skills, feats, advantages, disadvantages, flairs, traits, etc. If the rule is not in the core rulebook it won?t be in the adventure. This lowers the learning curve for new gamers and makes it much easier for veteran groups to implement their own house rules.
2. Ease of Use: The pre-generated characters and absence of new rules means a GM should be able to read a Quick Play Adventures scenario and run it for his group the same night.
3. Broadened Horizons: Quick Play Adventures focus on situations and genres that typically lie outside of the mainstream. These might be historical (World War II), thematic (Police), or even situational (Competition).
4. Cinematic Play: Quick Play Adventures strives for historical accuracy whenever possible, but places a strong emphasis on cinematic play. Expect a Quick Play Adventures scenario to play out more like your favorite genre movie or videogame than a fact-filled documentary.
5. Focused Scenarios: A Quick Play Adventures scenario has a defined start and finish. The pre-generated characters allow you to skip the lengthy character generation process, making it an ideal fit for tournament slots or one night of gaming with friends.
Visit for more Quick Play Adventures.
Note: Operation Jedburgh requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission. (c) 2007 Small Niche Games. Quick Play Adventures is a trademark of Small Niche Games. All rights reserved.