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Disposable Heroes: Bloodshadows Customizable
Disposable Heroes: Bloodshadows Customizable
Published by Precis Intermedia
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Are metal miniatures too expensive for you? Do you need armies of miniatures? Look no further...
Disposable Heroes® are downloadable paper miniatures that can be printed and then assembled for your wargaming or roleplaying needs. No other brand can offer the quality and flexibility of Disposable Heroes...

This product gives you access to the online customization system, allowing you to download custom sets of figures and armies in various formats (a-frame, tri-fold, and flat counter) that can also be labeled and/or sequentially numbered. The download associated with this product consists of the instructions for accessing the online customization system. If you purchase multiple Customizable sets, you only need to download the instructions once.

Includes 30 different figures for use with Bloodshadows or other fantasy-noir/pulp games -- includes figures of the various cultures and vocations in the world of Marl. Beautifully illustrated and colored by Scott Harshbarger.
Image placement and size may vary from the representations above. Stand-up bases not included.
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Disposable Heroes: Bloodshadows StatixStatix Set196$3.95-
Disposable Heroes: Bloodshadows Customizable  [This Item]Customizable SetCustom$6.95-
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