
Disposable Heroes: Printed Soldier 2 (Civil War)
Disposable Heroes: Printed Soldier 2 (Civil War)

MSRP: $4.95
Stock: DH033PR
Pages: 9

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Soldier Customizable 1 (WWII)
WORLD WAR II U.S. and German Soldier and Machine Gun figures

Soldier Customizable 2 (Civil War)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Union and Confederate soldier and cannon figures.

Soldier Customizable 4 (Napoleonics)
NAPOLEONIC-ERA British and French soldier and cannon figures.

Soldier Customizable 5 (Asians)
HISTORICAL ASIAN warriors and soldiers.

Pirate Customizable 1
PIRATE figures like pirate captains, naval officers, sailors, and slaves

Romans Customizable
ROMAN-era figures like gladiators, soldiers, senators, and plebs

Wild West Customizable 1
WILD WEST figures like cowboys, lawmen, soldiers, and Indians

Wild West Customizable 2
WILD WEST action figures like gunslingers, deputies, gamblers, and indian warriors

American Revolution Customizable 1
AMERICAN REVOLUTION figures like minutemen, bluecoats, redcoats, and instigators
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Just download and print!

Soldier Statix 1 (WWII)
WORLD WAR II U.S. and German Soldier and Machine Gun figures

Soldier Statix 2 (Civil War)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Union and Confederate soldier and cannon figures.

Soldier Statix 4 (Napoleonics)
NAPOLEONIC-ERA British and French soldier and cannon figures.

Soldier Statix 5 (Asians)
HISTORICAL ASIAN warriors and soldiers.

Pirate Statix 1
PIRATE figures like pirate captains, naval officers, sailors, and slaves

Romans Statix
ROMAN-era figures like gladiators, soldiers, senators, and plebs

Wild West Statix 1
WILD WEST figures like cowboys, lawmen, soldiers, and Indians

Wild West Statix 2
WILD WEST action figures like gunslingers, deputies, gamblers, and indian warriors

American Revolution Statix 1
AMERICAN REVOLUTION figures like minutemen, bluecoats, redcoats, and instigators
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